Freitag, 18. November 2011

live and kicking ! (both)

hi every one!
You better know a lot tv-shows, cause we're gonna quote. Alot!
Just so you konw, we are a team of two people! There is ME (the importent one!) and yeah... her!(the brains behind the operation)
na, well my name is Paula and hers... you better not know, because if you do know, you might be cursed for ever, just like me! "muhahaha" ah! she ist here! get this THING away from me!
just kidding! she is awesome! and her name is Lulu. dammit now you're cursed. (to cure yourself you better drink the blood of the next slayer you come across)
Well our secret lair can be found in the famous town of Mettmann, Germany (Mööttmann)  just so you now, there was a movie made in our town that is seriously nothing to be proud of!

in case you are wondering, WHY THE FUDGE, we are writing in english, that's becasue our language sucks! and because she knows people all over the place 
at least I know people
yeah right and thats why you are stuck with me
like i have a choice! i am cursed remember!   
and we work together 
well but i am sweet as suger and you are a Monster! How do you sleep at night! how dare you disturb our relationship with your evil!  
and there goes the quoting 

i hope you have fun reading our blog cause we promise you that it's going to be pretty damm awesome